Glossary Item Box

Squirrelcart v5.5.0

Logging in for the First Time

In order to manage Squirrelcart, you will need to login with an account that has administrative privileges.

  1. Login with default admin account
    Open your storefront URL in your browser. You should see a login box on the left hand side of the page:

    The default admin login information is as follows:

    Username: admin
    Password: password

    Enter this information in the login form and click Login.
  2. Change username and password
    For security reasons, you should change your admin account username and password after your first login. To do so, click the Account Details link in the account options section, and fill out all the required fields. Be sure to remember your account information. You may want to write it down in a safe place.

You can also login directly in the control panel by going to the URL:




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